Kashmir is that thenorthwestern region of the Indian landmass. till the mid-19th century, the term geographic areageographically denoted solely the depression between the nice the Himalaya and therefore thePir Panjal chain of mountains. Today, it denotes a bigger space that has the Indian-administered state of Jammu and geographic area (which consists of Jammu, the geographic area depression, and Ladakh), the Pakistan-administered autonomous territories of Azad geographic area and Gilgit–Baltistan, and therefore the Chinese-administered controversial regions of Aksai Chin and therefore the Trans-Karakoram Tract.
Swami Vivekananda in geographic area in 1898.In the half of the first millennium, the geographic area region became a vital centre of Hinduism and later of Buddhism; later still, within the ninth century, geographic area Shaivism arose. In 1349, Shah of Iran Mir became the primary Muslim ruler of geographic area, inaugurating the Salatin-i-Kashmir or Swati folk.For ensuing 5 centuries, Muslim monarchs dominatedgeographic area, as well as the Mughals, United Nations agency dominated from 1526 till 1751,and therefore the Afghan Durrani Empire, that dominated from 1747 till 1820.That year, the Sikhs, underneath Ranjit Singh, annexed geographic area.In 1846, when the Sikh defeatwithin the initial Anglo-Sikh War, and upon the acquisition of the region from country underneaththe accord of Amritsar, the Raja of Jammu, Gulab Singh, became the new ruler of geographic area. The rule of his descendants, underneath the dominion (or tutelage) of country Crown, lasted till1947, once the previous princely state became a controversial territory, currently administered by3 countries: Asian country, Pakistan, and therefore the People's Republic of China.The Buddhist Mauryan emperor Ashoka is commonly attributable with having based the previouscapital of geographic area, Shrinagari, currently ruins on the outskirts of contemporary Srinagar.geographic area was long to be a fastness of Buddhism.As a Buddhist seat of learning, the Sarvāstivādan college powerfully influenced geographic area.East and Central Asian Buddhist monks square measure recorded as having visited the dominion. within the late fourth century atomic number 58, the far-famed Kuchanese monk Kumārajīva, born to AN Indian noble family, studied Dīrghāgama and Madhyāgama in geographic area underneath Bandhudatta. He later became a prolific translator United Nations agency helped take Buddhism to China. His mother Jīva is assumed to possess retired to geographic area. Vimalākṣa, a Sarvāstivādan Buddhist monk, traveled from geographic area to Kucha and theretaught Kumārajīva within the Vinayapiṭaka.
Adi Shankara visited the pre-existing Sarvajñapīṭha (Sharada Peeth) in geographic area in lateeighth century or early ninth century atomic number 58. The Madhaviya Shankaravijayam states this temple had four doors for students from the four cardinal directions. The southern door (representing South India) had ne'er been opened, indicating that no scholar from South Asian country had entered the Sarvajna Pitha. Adi Shankara opened the southern door by defeating indiscussion all the students there all told the assorted scholastic disciplines like Hinduism,Hinduism and alternative branches of Hindu philosophy; he ascended the throne of Transcendentknowledge of that temple.
Abhinavagupta was one in all India's greatest philosophers, mystics and aestheticians. He was conjointly thought of a vital musician, poet, dramatist, exeget, theologian, and logician– a polymathic temperament United Nations agency exercisedrobust influences on Indian cultureHe was born within the depression of Kashmir in a very family of students and mystics and studied all the faculties of philosophy and art of his timeunderneath the steering of as several as fifteen (or more) academics and gurus. In his long life he completed over thirty five works, the most important and most far-famed of that is
Tantrāloka,AN comprehensive writing on all the philosophical and sensible aspects of Trika and Kaula (known nowadays as geographic area Shaivism). Another one in all his important contributions was within the field of philosophy of aesthetics together with his far-famed Abhinavabhāratīcomment of Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharata Muni.
on salvation for non-ascetics (moksa-upaya: 'means to release'), was written on the Pradyumna hill in Śrīnagar. it's the shape of a public sermon and claims human authorship and containsregarding thirty,000 shloka's (making it longer than the Ramayana). the most a part of the text forms a dialogue between Vasistha and Rama, interchanged with various short stories and anecdotes maybe the content. This text was later (11th to the fourteenth century CE)[20]swollen and vedanticised, that resulted within the Yoga Vasistha.]In 1819, the geographic areadepression passed from the management of the Durrani Empire of Asian nation, and 4 centuries of Muslim rule underneath the Mughals and therefore the Afghans, to the capture armies of the Sikhs underneath Ranjit Singh of metropolis. because the Kashmiris had suffered underneaththe Afghans, they ab initio welcome the new Sikh rulersbut, the Sikh governors clothed to bearduous taskmasters, and Sikh rule was usually thought of oppressive, protected maybe by the remoteness of geographic area from the capital of the Sikh empire in metropolis.The Sikhs enacted variety of anti-Muslim laws, including handing out death sentences for cow slaughter, closing down the Jamia musjid in Srinagar and forbidding the azaan, the general publicMuslim decision to prayegeographic area had conjointly currently begun to draw inEuropean guests, many of whom wrote of the abject economic condition of the immense Muslimclass and of the extortionate taxes underneath the Sikhs. High taxes, consistent with someup to date accounts, had uninhabited giant tracts of the rural area, permitting solely one-sixteenth of the productive land to be cultivated. but, when a famine in 1832, the Sikhs reduced the capital levy to the manufacture of the land and conjointly began to supply interest-free loans to farmers; geographic area became the second highest revenue wage earner for the Sikh empire throughout now Kashmiri shawls became identified worldwide, attracting severalconsumers, particularly within the West.
Earlier, in 1780, when the death of Ranjit Deo the Raja of Jammu, the dominion of Jammu (to the south of the geographic area valley) was conjointly captured by the Sikhs andafterward, until 1846, became a tributary to Sikh power Ranjit Deo's nephew, Gulab Singh,after sought-after service at the court of Ranjit Singh, distinguished himself in later campaigns,particularly the annexation of the geographic area depression, and, for his services, was appointed governor of Jammu in 1820. With the assistance of his officer, Zorawar Singh, Gulab Singh shortly captured for the Sikhs the lands of Ladakh and Baltistan to the east and north-east,severally, of Jammu."Gulab Singh contrived to carry himself upstage until the battle of Sobraon (1846), once he appeared as a helpful intermediary and therefore the trustworthyauthority of Sir Henry Lawrence. 2 treaties were terminated. By the primary the State ofmetropolis (i.e. West Punjab) handed over to country, as equivalent for one large integerindemnity, hill countries between the rivers Beas and Indus; by the second country revamped to Gulab Singh for seven.5 million all the craggy or mountainous country placed to the east of the Indus and therefore the west of the Ravi (i.e. the depression of Kashmir)."Drafted by a accord and a bill of sale, and well-grooved between 1820 and 1858, the Princely State of geographic area and Jammu (as it had been initial called) combined disparate regions, religions, and ethnicities: to the east, Ladakh was ethnically and culturally Tibetan and its inhabitants practiced Buddhism; to the south, Jammu had a mixed population of Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs; within the heavily inhabited central geographic area depression, the population wasirresistibly Sunni Muslim, however, there was conjointly atiny
low however prestigious Hindu minority, the Kashmiri brahmins or pandits; to the northeast, sparsely inhabited Baltistan had a population ethnically associated with Ladakh, however that practiced Shi'a Islam; to the north,conjointly sparsely inhabited, Gilgit Agency, was a region of numerous, principally Shi'a groups; and, to the west, Punch was Muslim, however of various quality than the geographic areadepression.when the Indian Rebellion of 1857, during which geographic area sided withcountry, and therefore the succeeding assumption of direct rule by nice GB, the princely state ofgeographic area came underneath the suzerainty of country Crown.In the British census of Asian country of 1941, geographic area registered a Muslim majority population of seventy seven, a Hindu population of two hundredth and a distributed population of Buddhists and Sikhs comprising the remaining third.[ndition of the Muslim lots is appalling. ... Mostsquare measure landless laborers, operating as serfs for traveller [Hindu] landlords ... virtuallythe complete strength of official corruption is borne by the Muslim lotsfor pretty much a century till the census, atiny low Hindu elite had dominated over an enormous and impoverished Muslim class.[Driven into tractability by chronic liability to landords and moneylenders, having no education besides, nor awareness of rights,oking includes dum aloo (boiled potatoes withsignificant amounts of spice), tzaman (a solid house cheese), rogan taunt (lamb deep-fried insignificant spices), yakhiyn (lamb deep-fried in curd with gentle spices), hakh (a spinach-like leaf), rista-gushtaba (minced meat balls in tomato and curd curry), danival korme, and therefore thesignature rice that is specific to Asian cultures.
The traditional wazwan feast involves preparation meat or vegetables, typically mutton, in manyalternative ways. Alcohol is strictly prohibited in most places.
There square measure 2 kinds of creating tea within the region: noonday Chai, or salt tea, thatis pink in color (known as chinen stylish rang or peach flower colour) and popular locals; and kahwah, a tea for joyous occasions, created with saffron and spices (cardamom, cinamon, sugar,noonday chai leaves), and tea leaf.Kashmir's economy is centred around agriculture. historicallythe staple crop of the depression was rice, that fashioned the chief food of the folks. additionally,cereal, wheat, barley and oats were conjointly mature. Given its temperate climate, it's fitted tocrops like asparagus, artichoke, seakale, broad beans, scarletrunners, beetroot, cauliflower and cabbage. Fruit trees square measure common within the depression, and therefore thecultivated orchards yield pears, apples, peaches, and cherries. The chief trees square measuretrue cedar, firs and pines, chenar or plane, maple, birch and walnut, apple, cherry.Historically, geographic area became identified worldwide once Cashmere wool was exported toalternative regions and nations (exports have ceased as a result of weakened abundance of theKashmir goat and inflated competition from China). Kashmiris square measure well adept at knitting and creating Pashmina shawls, silk carpets, rugs, kurtas, and pottery. Saffron, too, ismature in geographic area. Efforts square measure on to export the naturally mature fruits and vegetables as organic foods chiefly to the center East. Srinagar is understood for its silver-work, papier mache, wood-carving, and therefore the weaving of silk.The economy was badly broken by the 2005 geographic area earthquake that, as of eightOctober 2005, resulted in over seventy,000 deaths within the Pakistan-controlled a part ofgeographic area and around one,500 deaths in Indian controlled geographic area.The Indian-administered portion of geographic area is believed to possess doubtless wealthyrocks containing organic compound reserves.Transport
Transport is preponderantly by air or road vehicles within the region.geographic area|geographical region|geographic region} features a 119 kilometre ulla within the western a or Purandhisthan. The Brahmins United Nations agency underpopulated these areas loved and loved Buddhism too. From the regions ofgeographic area Buddhism unfold throughout Ladakh, Tibet, Central Asia and China. numeroustraditions co-existed till the appearance of the Muslims.The Mughal had a deep influence on this land and introduced numerous reforms within therevenue business and alternative areas that another to the progress of geographic area. In 1820 Maharaj Gulab Singh got the Jagir of Jammu from Maharaj Ranjit Sigh. he's same to possessordered the inspiration of the Dogra folk. In 1846 geographic area was sold to Maharaj Gulab Singh. so the 2 areas of geographic area and Jammu were integrated into one unit. a couple ofchieftains United Nations agency fashioned a part of the administration were of the Hunza, Kishtwar, Gilgit Ladakh. throughout the Dogra folk trade improved, beside the preservation and promotion of biological science.
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Kashmir is that thenorthwestern region of the Indian landmass. till the mid-19th century, the term geographic areageographically denoted solely the depression between the nice the Himalaya and therefore thePir Panjal chain of mountains. Today, it denotes a bigger space that has the Indian-administered state of Jammu and geographic area (which consists of Jammu, the geographic area depression, and Ladakh), the Pakistan-administered autonomous territories of Azad geographic area and Gilgit–Baltistan, and therefore the Chinese-administered controversial regions of Aksai Chin and therefore the Trans-Karakoram Tract.
Swami Vivekananda in geographic area in 1898.In the half of the first millennium, the geographic area region became a vital centre of Hinduism and later of Buddhism; later still, within the ninth century, geographic area Shaivism arose. In 1349, Shah of Iran Mir became the primary Muslim ruler of geographic area, inaugurating the Salatin-i-Kashmir or Swati folk.For ensuing 5 centuries, Muslim monarchs dominatedgeographic area, as well as the Mughals, United Nations agency dominated from 1526 till 1751,and therefore the Afghan Durrani Empire, that dominated from 1747 till 1820.That year, the Sikhs, underneath Ranjit Singh, annexed geographic area.In 1846, when the Sikh defeatwithin the initial Anglo-Sikh War, and upon the acquisition of the region from country underneaththe accord of Amritsar, the Raja of Jammu, Gulab Singh, became the new ruler of geographic area. The rule of his descendants, underneath the dominion (or tutelage) of country Crown, lasted till1947, once the previous princely state became a controversial territory, currently administered by3 countries: Asian country, Pakistan, and therefore the People's Republic of China.The Buddhist Mauryan emperor Ashoka is commonly attributable with having based the previouscapital of geographic area, Shrinagari, currently ruins on the outskirts of contemporary Srinagar.geographic area was long to be a fastness of Buddhism.As a Buddhist seat of learning, the Sarvāstivādan college powerfully influenced geographic area.East and Central Asian Buddhist monks square measure recorded as having visited the dominion. within the late fourth century atomic number 58, the far-famed Kuchanese monk Kumārajīva, born to AN Indian noble family, studied Dīrghāgama and Madhyāgama in geographic area underneath Bandhudatta. He later became a prolific translator United Nations agency helped take Buddhism to China. His mother Jīva is assumed to possess retired to geographic area. Vimalākṣa, a Sarvāstivādan Buddhist monk, traveled from geographic area to Kucha and theretaught Kumārajīva within the Vinayapiṭaka.
Abhinavagupta was one in all India's greatest philosophers, mystics and aestheticians. He was conjointly thought of a vital musician, poet, dramatist, exeget, theologian, and logician– a polymathic temperament United Nations agency exercisedrobust influences on Indian cultureHe was born within the depression of Kashmir in a very family of students and mystics and studied all the faculties of philosophy and art of his timeunderneath the steering of as several as fifteen (or more) academics and gurus. In his long life he completed over thirty five works, the most important and most far-famed of that is
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on salvation for non-ascetics (moksa-upaya: 'means to release'), was written on the Pradyumna hill in Śrīnagar. it's the shape of a public sermon and claims human authorship and containsregarding thirty,000 shloka's (making it longer than the Ramayana). the most a part of the text forms a dialogue between Vasistha and Rama, interchanged with various short stories and anecdotes maybe the content. This text was later (11th to the fourteenth century CE)[20]swollen and vedanticised, that resulted within the Yoga Vasistha.]In 1819, the geographic areadepression passed from the management of the Durrani Empire of Asian nation, and 4 centuries of Muslim rule underneath the Mughals and therefore the Afghans, to the capture armies of the Sikhs underneath Ranjit Singh of metropolis. because the Kashmiris had suffered underneaththe Afghans, they ab initio welcome the new Sikh rulersbut, the Sikh governors clothed to bearduous taskmasters, and Sikh rule was usually thought of oppressive, protected maybe by the remoteness of geographic area from the capital of the Sikh empire in metropolis.The Sikhs enacted variety of anti-Muslim laws, including handing out death sentences for cow slaughter, closing down the Jamia musjid in Srinagar and forbidding the azaan, the general publicMuslim decision to prayegeographic area had conjointly currently begun to draw inEuropean guests, many of whom wrote of the abject economic condition of the immense Muslimclass and of the extortionate taxes underneath the Sikhs. High taxes, consistent with someup to date accounts, had uninhabited giant tracts of the rural area, permitting solely one-sixteenth of the productive land to be cultivated. but, when a famine in 1832, the Sikhs reduced the capital levy to the manufacture of the land and conjointly began to supply interest-free loans to farmers; geographic area became the second highest revenue wage earner for the Sikh empire throughout now Kashmiri shawls became identified worldwide, attracting severalconsumers, particularly within the West.
Earlier, in 1780, when the death of Ranjit Deo the Raja of Jammu, the dominion of Jammu (to the south of the geographic area valley) was conjointly captured by the Sikhs andafterward, until 1846, became a tributary to Sikh power Ranjit Deo's nephew, Gulab Singh,after sought-after service at the court of Ranjit Singh, distinguished himself in later campaigns,particularly the annexation of the geographic area depression, and, for his services, was appointed governor of Jammu in 1820. With the assistance of his officer, Zorawar Singh, Gulab Singh shortly captured for the Sikhs the lands of Ladakh and Baltistan to the east and north-east,severally, of Jammu."Gulab Singh contrived to carry himself upstage until the battle of Sobraon (1846), once he appeared as a helpful intermediary and therefore the trustworthyauthority of Sir Henry Lawrence. 2 treaties were terminated. By the primary the State ofmetropolis (i.e. West Punjab) handed over to country, as equivalent for one large integerindemnity, hill countries between the rivers Beas and Indus; by the second country revamped to Gulab Singh for seven.5 million all the craggy or mountainous country placed to the east of the Indus and therefore the west of the Ravi (i.e. the depression of Kashmir)."Drafted by a accord and a bill of sale, and well-grooved between 1820 and 1858, the Princely State of geographic area and Jammu (as it had been initial called) combined disparate regions, religions, and ethnicities: to the east, Ladakh was ethnically and culturally Tibetan and its inhabitants practiced Buddhism; to the south, Jammu had a mixed population of Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs; within the heavily inhabited central geographic area depression, the population wasirresistibly Sunni Muslim, however, there was conjointly atiny
The traditional wazwan feast involves preparation meat or vegetables, typically mutton, in manyalternative ways. Alcohol is strictly prohibited in most places.
There square measure 2 kinds of creating tea within the region: noonday Chai, or salt tea, thatis pink in color (known as chinen stylish rang or peach flower colour) and popular locals; and kahwah, a tea for joyous occasions, created with saffron and spices (cardamom, cinamon, sugar,noonday chai leaves), and tea leaf.Kashmir's economy is centred around agriculture. historicallythe staple crop of the depression was rice, that fashioned the chief food of the folks. additionally,cereal, wheat, barley and oats were conjointly mature. Given its temperate climate, it's fitted tocrops like asparagus, artichoke, seakale, broad beans, scarletrunners, beetroot, cauliflower and cabbage. Fruit trees square measure common within the depression, and therefore thecultivated orchards yield pears, apples, peaches, and cherries. The chief trees square measuretrue cedar, firs and pines, chenar or plane, maple, birch and walnut, apple, cherry.Historically, geographic area became identified worldwide once Cashmere wool was exported toalternative regions and nations (exports have ceased as a result of weakened abundance of theKashmir goat and inflated competition from China). Kashmiris square measure well adept at knitting and creating Pashmina shawls, silk carpets, rugs, kurtas, and pottery. Saffron, too, ismature in geographic area. Efforts square measure on to export the naturally mature fruits and vegetables as organic foods chiefly to the center East. Srinagar is understood for its silver-work, papier mache, wood-carving, and therefore the weaving of silk.The economy was badly broken by the 2005 geographic area earthquake that, as of eightOctober 2005, resulted in over seventy,000 deaths within the Pakistan-controlled a part ofgeographic area and around one,500 deaths in Indian controlled geographic area.The Indian-administered portion of geographic area is believed to possess doubtless wealthyrocks containing organic compound reserves.Transport
Transport is preponderantly by air or road vehicles within the region.geographic area|geographical region|geographic region} features a 119 kilometre ulla within the western a or Purandhisthan. The Brahmins United Nations agency underpopulated these areas loved and loved Buddhism too. From the regions ofgeographic area Buddhism unfold throughout Ladakh, Tibet, Central Asia and China. numeroustraditions co-existed till the appearance of the Muslims.The Mughal had a deep influence on this land and introduced numerous reforms within therevenue business and alternative areas that another to the progress of geographic area. In 1820 Maharaj Gulab Singh got the Jagir of Jammu from Maharaj Ranjit Sigh. he's same to possessordered the inspiration of the Dogra folk. In 1846 geographic area was sold to Maharaj Gulab Singh. so the 2 areas of geographic area and Jammu were integrated into one unit. a couple ofchieftains United Nations agency fashioned a part of the administration were of the Hunza, Kishtwar, Gilgit Ladakh. throughout the Dogra folk trade improved, beside the preservation and promotion of biological science.
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